
My daughter taught me how to play Sudoku recently.

If you’re not familiar with Sudoku, it’s a Japanese single-player puzzle game that has nine rows of nine boxes and some of the boxes are pre-populated. The objective is to fill each of the remaining boxes with digits, using each number one to nine only once in each row.

It can involve a lot of trial and error and prove frustrating.

After learning from her experience I managed to finish the Sudoku in the in-flight magazine from my flight home yesterday. I discovered that as you put the right numbers in the right boxes, the solution becomes clearer and you start to see how it all fits together.

Working out how to solve a Sudoku is not immediately apparent and it can require thinking outside the box to solve it effectively.

This exercise reminds me of the need to be able to think outside the box to tailor legal solutions for clients.

Buying an “off the shelf” will kit isn’t tailored to your individual circumstances and one size doesn’t always fit all. The risk of getting it wrong is much bigger than the risk of not solving a Sudoku. The real issue is that you won’t know if it isn’t right until it’s too late to change it.

I understand that life and families come in all shapes and sizes and rarely fit in the “plain vanilla” box that a DIY will kit may provide. Experienced input from a lawyer on the implications of providing for your children, dividing your assets and preventing your will being challenged after you’re gone, can help ensure you create the right will for your individual circumstance.

I’ve helped hundreds of clients tailor their wills and prepare commercial agreements to address their personal and business needs. With more than 25 years’ experience, I can help solve the puzzle of putting together the best solution that will perfectly suit your needs.

Contact me today about how to ensure your family and assets are properly protected.