Why do I need a will?

It’s interesting how people don’t often think about writing a Will while they’re young.

I presented at a seminar recently, outlining many reasons why you might need a Will, and had this question posed to me by a man in his 20’s. He said he was too young. He wasn’t going to die any time soon. “Why do I need a Will?”.

I asked him about himself. He was building his own successful business, had acquired a home and about to be married in the coming year. All-in-all, he was a perfect candidate for someone who should start thinking about securing his assets properly.

It’s an interesting phenomena that most of us … nearly all of us really, have no idea when our time is up. Statistics show that most Australians will die later in life but there are no guarantees. Something we can learn from COVID-19 is that unexpected things happen and just when you think you have it all worked out, things can STILL take you by surprise.

It’s not a fun topic to talk about, but what is less fun is talking about how situations could have been avoided with a little bit of forethought.

While using a do-it-yourself Will kit or completing an online Will might be cheaper than consulting a lawyer, these cheap options can be disastrous if your circumstances aren’t straightforward.

If you have:

  • a family company

  • a family trust

  • disputed property

  • children from a previous relationship

  • a self-managed superannuation fund

  • international assets

  • beneficiaries who are not Australian citizens

  • an expectation your Will could be challenged.

or you wish to:

  • provide for a person with special needs and or requiring ongoing care

  • leave a family member out of your Will

  • leave pets to family or friends.

then your circumstances aren’t basic and a simple Will is inadequate to provide for your loved ones.

Amanda Morton is passionate about ensuring her clients’ wishes are fulfilled after their passing, and that their loved ones are cared for as they would have wanted. Don’t be caught off guard. Preparing a Will early can protect you and your family from unforeseen circumstances.

Contact Amanda today to help ensure your assets and loved ones are protected properly.

Amanda MortonWill